
You can preserve the details of your sound while recording important information by using this feature. Start the recording on any note page, which will be automatically saved to your notes, and you can listen back at any time.Make it easier and more efficient to take notes.

How to use

1.  Timestamp marker

Add timestamps during recording or playback to quickly navigate to the desired sections without manually dragging the progress bar.

  • Use a marker when playing recordings

You can add markers within the recording and quickly jump to the positions for playback and conveniently review or focus on the parts of interest.

  • Delete a Marker

You can easily delete a marker when you don’t need it. Make your marker list cleaner and keep the parts you care about the most.

  • Edit a Marker

You can change the location and information of the marker by editing it. Help you adjust the markers according to your needs.

2.  Variable Speed Playback

You can adjust the recording speed as required to improve learning efficiency and flexibility when playing back a recording. Speed range is 0.5x to 2x.

How to open

  1. Click [Audio/Recognition] in [Tools] of [More] on the page.
  2. Add [Audio/Recognition] to the shortcut toolbar and click it.